From the periodically thought-provoking Gretchen Rubin of The Happiness Project comes a link to an article by Simon Cowell: A letter to my shallow, reckless, cocky younger self. I'd rather retitle it as "A letter from my shallow, reckless, cocky older self to my shallow, reckless, cocky younger self"
While Simon thinks he's being introspective in looking back how arrogant he used to be, he actually displays a shocking lack of self awareness in how arrogant he currently is.
He seems to want to tell his younger self: "Don't worry about the insecurities you may have, in the end you will find out you're superior to the idiots around you." What he tries to present as "lessons learned from the school of hard knocks" comes across as "you were wrong to think you knew everything then, but don't worry, once you get older, you will know everything."
Like Gretchen Rubin, I can't say I really know Simon, having only seen him in youtube clips filling the role of "arrogant judge" on American Idol. Gretchen, though is much kinder to him.